
Nursing Care Plans NCP

Abusive verbal attacks on staff and others.

Problem / Need / Strength
Abusive verbal attacks on staff and others.
will converse with others without swearing by ____.
Administer medications as ordered and monitor for side effects, effectiveness.
Approach resident in low, calm voice.
Document behavior as to type, duration, and precipitating causes.
Inform physician of resident's behavior.
Praise all appropriate behavior and interactions with others.
Remind resident that verbal abuse is unacceptable and redirect.
Talk with resident in calm voice when behavior is disruptive and redirect.

Adjustment: lifestyle change resulting from admission.

Problem / Need / Strength
Adjustment: lifestyle change resulting from admission.

Will maintain the ability to seek social contact and stimulation x 90 days.
Will receive daily opportunities for social contact x 90 days.
Will show evidence of adjustment to nursing home/hospital by eating [ ] meals in dining room, attending [ ] activities daily over the next 90 days.
Allow patient the opportunity to communicate feelings regarding attended activities.
Assess favorite recreational activities and encourage involvement.
Encourage ongoing family involvement. Invite family to attend special events, activities, meals.
Encourage to participate in conversation.
Introduce to residents with similar background, interests.
Learn to recognize stressors which may be early warning signs of problem behavior.
Provide as many situations as possible which give control over environment & care delivery.
Spend time talking with resident. Encourage to express feelings about NH placement.

Anxiety related to [ SPECIFY ]


Problem / Need / Strength
Anxiety related to [ SPECIFY ]

Will experience a reduction in anxiety as evidenced by decreased [tearfulness, crying, wringing of hands, etc.] x 90 days.
Administer medications as ordered and monitor for side effects, effectiveness.
Assess reasons for anxiety, social withdrawal/ crying, absence of family/friend.
Encourage attendance at group meetings for interpersonal contact [ SPECIFY GROUP ].
Encourage program participation & praise efforts.
Refer for counseling as needed or as ordered by MD.
Spend time talking with resident. Allow to express feelings. Encourage appropriate expression of feelings.

At risk for developing a pressure ulcer due to ____.


Problem / Need / Strength
At risk for developing a pressure ulcer due to ____.

Will maintain intact skin, free of redness, blisters or discoloration through review date.
Administer medications and treatments as ordered and monitor for side effects, effectiveness.
Assess/record/report to MD prn skin condition, presence of any new areas. Document appearance, measurements (length, width, depth), drainage, stage of any areas. Notify MD, family of development of any new areas.
Body audits per protocol.
Check frequently for bowel incontinence and provide peri care after each episode.
Keep skin clean and dry and wrinkles out of linens/pads.
Lift to prevent skin sheers in all transfers.
Observe and record condition of skin every ____.
Obtain and monitor lab/diagnostic work as ordered. Report results to MD and follow up as indicated.
Provide diet, supplements, extra vitamins/protein/minerals as ordered to promote wound healing and skin integrity.
Provide pressure relief/pressure reduction surface to bed, chair prn.

At risk of permanent blindness due to [ SPECIFY ]


Problem / Need / Strength
At risk of permanent blindness due to [ SPECIFY ]

Will be able to function within the limits of visual impairment without injury x 90 days.
Will be free of complications related to glaucoma x 90 days.
Adapt environment to needs such as [glare/lg print signs].
Administer medication as ordered.
Arrange appointment with eye doctor as appropriate.
Assist with all ADL's unable to perform independently.
Assume unhurried manner. Allow ample time for tasks.
At night, burn nightlight in room & bathroom.
Contact agency for talking books.
Ensure adequate lighting during tasks.
Eye consult as needed.
Glasses on in AM and off at HS. Clean [ ] Q day.